Another Sunday.. eh! Getting bored now. Can you imagine waking up on a Sunday morning at 6:30? You would probably think it as insane rather than an audacious deed. Well, I was insane enough to wake up early morning today after sleeping late the previous night cutting short my dreams of last day’s paratha’s and idly/Sambar. The reason behind was a 5K marathon race (at least called so) at 8:00 AM held as part of the event of Northwestern Mutual’s 126th Annual FR meet.
Four of us (Tammy, Suni, Veer Vikram and great me) reached there in time to be a part of this electrifying event. I was thrilled to find such enormous gathering of people dashing slowly towards the starting lane. Wisconsin Ave, which can accommodate two Indian highways side by side, had no space uncovered. It was dot 8:00 AM when the whistle blew off and the race commenced. Veer Vikram was no where to be seen after 4-5 min of the start as he accelerated beyond our vision, by then. He probably was under a misconception that he could lift the trophy. We three kept our tortoise pace as we all knew the story unlike Vikram. Soon we were running at half the speeds we started with as the Sun was not ready to keep its rays behind the Clouds. The crowd seemed exhausted in the midst of the race and so were we. Next few minutes were tough as we gasped to keep the flow of air inside our body for our organs to work normally. As
time passed, Tammy also disappeared and I was left with Sunish whose head was spinning by now (as he says). After a short walk of 3-5 sec, we regained our pace and made a move. Decided to leave everyone behind (only mygroup..he he), I recollected my resilience, and ran hard to reach the finish line. My happiness had no bounds when I stepped on the finish line heading straight for the refreshments. None of us completed the race together, so I have a reason to assume that I came first :).
This was my first race of its kind and I had a great (read as tough) time running for it. I hope, everyone else enjoyed as much as I did.
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