Mystery spot !!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Every now n then,I am chased by thoughts where do I stand today. Have I done even a bit to get close to what I aspired for. Then, I try to trace back and recall what my ambitions were and all I see are the thick clouds behind which they are hidden somewhere, unperceivable. Yes, this is true for 99% of us and that 1% makes all difference.

Delving deep inside my heart,
Anticipating a contended start,
Commencing a voyage, ready to depart,
in hope to hit a bulls eye on the dart..

Welcoming the thorns on my way,
Determined to progress than to stay,
Remain on track and not just stray,
Prevent my hair from becoming grey..

I can see a shimmer slicing the dark,
A ray of trust, a scintillating sparK,
Striving high to reach that benchmark,
Driving to destination with no midway park..


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